We all want a clear canvas for a face. So I understand how annoying it can be when you not only get pimples, but also have to deal with the dark spots/scars it leaves behind after it's gone. Hmm, sounds like a toxic ex. Anyway, here’s a few products that could help you with your scarring.

    1)✨ Axis-Y

    Okay, this product may remind you of Mathematics which can be quite traumatic for some people (me), but it's a fairly good product for scars. However, it takes longer for the scars to heal compared to the rest of the products on the list. But I’d still recommend it because of its affordable price. It has a very silky/watery texture which is suitable to be used during the day. I love that it’s not greasy or sticky, which makes layering your skincare fairly easy. Some of its main ingredients include Niacinamide, Sea Buckthorn, and Squalane which is great for reducing pigmentation and brightening your complexion. This is also a really good product for acne-prone skin. But if you have sensitive skin, you may have to do a skin patch test because the ingredients contain Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) leaf oil, which can be irritating for people with sensitive skin. Only a small amount is needed to treat your scars. Based on my experience, it takes about 3-4 weeks before you can see actual results.

    2)✨ Hiruscar Post Acne

    Back in the day, this product was the OG for scars. I mean, if I had a chance to name it, I’d name it HERO-Scar just because it has saved my face from dark hyperpigmentation on multiple occasions. Texture-wise, Hiruscar has a gel-like consistency that’s a little more sticky compared to the other products on this list. So using it under your makeup during the day might be a small problem. Some of the main ingredients include Allium Cepa Bulb Extract, Niacinamide, and hydrogenated castor oil. I was really surprised with how fast it worked because it only took 2 weeks of religious application to show its results. By the end of the 2 weeks, my dark spots had become significantly lighter.

    3)✨ Dermatix ADVANCE

    Okay, brace yourself cause I’m gonna start fangirl-ing. This brand right here is by far the most advanced when it comes to healing scars. I mean, this product is like the David Copperfield of skincare. A small amount is enough to make your scars disappear. I was so shocked to find that my scar had become significantly lighter within the SAME WEEK. I mean, how?!! I can go on and on about how amazing this product is, but there’s a plot twist. For every good thing in life, there’s always a price to pay. And Dermatix is literally the most expensive product on this list. I’ll admit, it is a little pricey but it gets the job done. So if you have a wedding coming up or you have other big events to attend this will really help to speed up the healing process of your scars. It has a very light-weight, gel-like texture that can be easily used under makeup or other layered skincare products.

    4)✨ Dermatix ULTRA

    If Dermatix ADVANCE is the David Copperfield of skincare, Dermatix ULTRA is like David Copperfield on steroids. It works similarly to Dermatix ADVANCE except it's ultra fast. With that being said, it’s price is also a little more pricier. Makes sense, but OUCH! I could see significant changes to my scar within 4 days of using it. At that point, I started to question reality because I have never seen results that fast. My mind was completely blown. So I did a little digging to find out why these products from Dermatix worked so impossibly fast. It turns out that they use silicone technology in their formula to reduce the appearance of scarring. It works great for hypertrophic and keloid scars, and is even recommended for treatment for scars that are caused by trauma, burns, and general surgical procedures. Impressive right? If you have a stubborn scars, I can't recommend this enough.

    I hope this list has been helpful to you, and wish you the best of luck in your healing process. Also, feel free to share your experiences in the comments below.