• Nightly routine: body care

    Nightly routine: body care
    Nightly routine: body care
    Nightly routine: body care

    Nightly routine: body care
    Nightly routine: body care
    Nightly routine: body care
    Nightly routine: body care
    Nightly routine: body care
    Nightly routine: body care

    hye cinta 🤍 !!! wanna get bright your skin before raya ? but it costing? Dont worry pretty girls. I have solutions for you. Just spend below RM60 to get healthy and bright skin.

    To achieve the finest outcomes before Raya, you might use these suggestions for this Ramadan. I've already put these recommendations to use and I am grateful to have smooth, bright and healthy skin. Women need to take care of their bodies, love themselves, and be content. I scrubbed my body daily for the first week to achieve the best results, then I scrubbed it regularly but not daily, like twice or thrice a week. However before going to bed, you need routinely apply body lotion.

    ✨Honest review: Even if I'm sweating, my body continues to smell good after using this Sumber Ayu body scrub. You guys really need to try these tips, serious girl. When you do it, you can experience how it feels. Then your skin feels so smooth once you scrubbed!!!!