• Smelly MissV? Ways to get rid of vagina odour !

    Smelly MissV? Ways to get rid of vagina odour !
    Smelly MissV? Ways to get rid of vagina odour !
    Smelly MissV? Ways to get rid of vagina odour !

    Smelly MissV? Ways to get rid of vagina odour !
    Smelly MissV? Ways to get rid of vagina odour !

    Hey K’Fam 🤎

    Negative feelings about vaginal odor can lead to difficulties with self-esteem and body image.

    However, it is normal for the vagina to have a mild, musky smell.

    This odor changes with hormonal shifts during pregnancy, menopause, and the menstrual cycle. A subtle smell is not a cause for concern.

    However, females with other vaginal odors may wish to seek consultation with a doctor.

    1. Adopt good hygiene measures

    Adopting safe and gentle vaginal hygiene practices can help reduce vaginal odor.

    2. Use internal menstruation products

    Some females might notice a stronger vaginal odor during menstruation. Hormonal changes can cause an odor similar to iron or ammonia. Some menstrual products can trap odor, compounding this effect.

    3. Care for the vagina after sex

    Some people notice a strong, fishy odor immediately after sexual intercourse, which is a sign of bacterial vaginosis. Others may note a less distinct smell.

    4. Consume probiotics

    Probiotics support healthy bacteria throughout the human body, including in the vagina. They may also help prevent some vaginal infectionsTrusted Source, especially yeast infections.

    5. Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing

    Clothing can trap fluids and substances around the vagina, including:

    • sweat

    • dead skin

    • discharge

    • semen from previous intercourse

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